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  • Lilian

Beap Recipe

I played around with layering different audio outputs: a sequencer granular synth and two noise quantizers. I wanted at least one of them to be a fuller, more ambient background sound. After fiddling around with the other two, the sequencer audio sounded a lot like NPC talking or whispering, so I wanted to go with this kind of creepy vibe, adding in some higher pitch notes with the last noise quantizer.

Audio Performance Idea

We haven't figured out exactly what we want to do for the project, but I'm really interested in creating a soundscape or audio experience rather than music. I'm also pretty interested in seeing if we could do something ASMR related as that could easily fit into some form of audio experience. An audio/physical experience like Her Long Black Hair by Janet Cardiff would be really interesting to explore, especially if we could get people to move about their own physical space but be immersed in a completely different world.

I think we could achieve something along the lines of ASMR/binaural audio using pan, but I'm not entirely sure how we'd create the audio files (at least I don't have a good enough quality mic for that). Somewhere in the project, I want to incorporate generative audio/music, but if we're going more along the lines of ASMR, I feel generative audio would seem a bit out of place unless it's used for a more ambient effect rather than the main audio.

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