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  • Lilian

Week 1 - Bad User Experiences

Physical User Experience

Before I left for college, my mom bought this pot for me. Looking at it, it doesn’t seem that bad, and it does the job.

But whoever designed the pot really didn’t want people to EVER touch it when it was being used, unless they wanted to be badly burned. Although the one material does make the overall look of the pot look more expensive and sophisticated than a cheap with plastic handles, however, the impracticality of it is rather annoying and frustrating especially when using it for its main purpose: cooking. Metal handles for both the pot itself and the lid makes using it ever so slightly more difficult to use. Instead of just being able to pick the pot up or take the lid off with my bare hands, I have to go and get oven mitts. Even then, large and thick oven mitts can barely fit into the hole to grip the handles properly. It’s such an insignificant problem, it’s not too much of a hassle to put on oven mitts, but I just find it to be poorly designed and thought out. Simply having plastic handles would take out one small step when using the pot.

Digital User Experience

As I was trying to look up the menu for a tea house that I went to back home in Houston, I happened upon their website which overall looks quite nice and is easy to navigate. However, their products page really didn’t make sense on mobile. They had each product category stacked on top of each other, and it seems that when you tap on them nothing happens. What I didn’t realize was that the items were changing below, past all the product category icons. And when I finally scrolled down to the products, I found it really odd that there were two “Read More” buttons on each product, and I soon found out that each button lead to the same page. Again, such a simple fix, just get rid of the ugly gray button. Each product page is also a little bewildering, because as a brand that is all about tea and drinks, there is absolutely no information about the drinks besides the name and a picture. There is even an “additional information” tab on the product page that has no additional information.

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