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  • Lilian

The Casey Neistat Fan Experience

For our fan experience, we decided to journey to Casey Neistat's old studio in Chinatown. As we walked there, there didn't seem to be any other people sharing in our quest to find his studio. Once we found the entrance to the building, we awkwardly stood in front of it wondering what we could do and whether we should figure out a way to get in. As we were discussing, an elderly man walked past us, opening up the door to the building. Catching the door before it closed, we hesitantly walked into the narrow hallway. We quickly found a directory on the wall.

Once finding the floor number, we quickly found out that both the staircase and elevator required keys to access the floor, which made perfect sense for security reasons but made it rather sad that we wouldn't get a glimpse of his studio. After some Googling, we found his office number, which as expected, did not work.

Deciding that there wasn't much to do, we walked out the building, across the street and took some selfies with the building in the background.

As we took the selfies, we got some weird stares from strangers as they walked past us. After a few selfies and us awkwardly squatting to get a good angle, a passerby came up to us offering to take our picture. We readily agreed, making sure she got the studio in the background.

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