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  • Lilian

3 Idea Abstracts

1: Games as memorials

A side scroller game following the journey of a reaper as they lead souls of the dead to the underworld. As the player progresses through the game, they…

  1. learn about how the living grieve,

  2. must chase the soul down as it reminisces its past life,

  3. leave gifts behind for the living to remember the dead


Night in the Woods - more as reference for form than topic


There has been a history of creating memorials for loved ones within games, whether it be through Minecraft, Animal Crossing, No Man’s Sky, etc, and there have been many tributes to beloved fans or developers of games who have passed on in games as well. The creations of these memorials have been used as ways for those to grieve and remember their loved ones. This project takes the practice of memorial art into a different form through video games. It examines how video games can be used as a medium to cope with the death of a loved one and to remember their life.

By using video games as a medium, the act of creating the video game itself served as a way to grieve the loss but also to honor and remember their past life. Furthermore, the gameplay experience itself allowed for the preservation of the life of those who passed and the memories others have of them.

2: Food Tetris to Study/Relax to

A game where the player must organize groceries into a refrigerator. Players can choose to maximize the space and/or organize the food in whatever way as long as everything fits.

Deep dive into the tetris effect

organizing as a form of relaxation (or something of the sort)


In a world that is often chaotic, people find solace and peace in order and control using cleaning and organizing as ways to destress or soothe anxieties. Many aspects of our lives develop some form of clutter that can lead to unnecessary stress, and one such part of life is how we store our food. Each person has a very particular relationship with storing and organizing food. This project explores the different ways of organizing a limited space while providing an outlet for players to destress as they participate in the mundane task of putting away groceries. Without the stress of timers or punishments, players will be organizing groceries in different kitchens and pantries however they see fit which will allow them to explore different methods of organization and storage that could translate into their own lives.


3: Dissatisfying

A series of animations that are oddly (or not so) satisfying.

What makes something oddly satisfying? Visuals? Sound? A combination of both? How do you make something dissatisfying to the point of being irksome?

“Unsatisfying” A Disappointing Film


The term oddly satisfying has plagued the internet for quite some time, and many artists have participated in the trend, creating art that itches the brain just the right way. But what makes something satisfying? After examining what makes something satisfying, does the absence of those elements make something dissatisfying? This project seeks to examine what makes something satisfying/dissatisfying by creating a series of animations that test different approaches for their level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction. By asking others to view the series and rating their experiences, viewers can shed light on what are the most important components satisfying/dissatisfying animation.

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